University of Luton

OK, what would you like to know about our university? It is a British university in the city centre of Luton. It has many different departments and it's famous for great number of foreign students. You can find here people from UK, USA, Canada, China, Japan, Russia, Estonia, Hungary, France, Spain, Italy, Africa, India, Filipiny, Taiwan, Poland, Slovakia and also from the Czech Republic. :-) Basicly, there are students from all over the world studying at the university. And I am afraid that's the only thing that makes Luton and its university interesting... :-/

Well, that might enough as an introduction. Now, I'd like to introduce you some places that I visit almost all the time during my studies here. The university itself is not very large as it has only few buildings. But I cannot cover every single room and corridor that belongs to university. So let's explore places I visit the most...

This is the University of Luton Chaplaincy. I've got this view every time I leave the College House. This is the place where all the movie nights take place. You can also pop in for a cup of tea or coffee.
Photo #1
Next building I see at least once a day is this one -- the Business School.
Photo #2
This is some kind of sign-post which on one corner of the Business School. I've never used it, there's no reason for it... :-)
Photo #3
Well, now we are in a street that leads from the Vicarage Street to the university. I usually go until the end of the street and then turn left and right to reach the Main Campus. But today, we're going to make an exception, we turn right...
Photo #4
Yes, just a few meters and we're standing behind the university. Right now we're facing the back side of the Learning Resources Centre.
Photo #5
If we go further away from the uni, we'll be standing next to the St. Mary's Church. It was the place where the barbecue took place. And again, we're facing the back of the LRC.
Photo #6
Closer to the uni again, we can see the back parking place. Actually, there's nothing interesting about this part of the university, let's carry on...
Photo #7
We've made a huge leap to get in front of the university. Now I'm standing at the roundabout, the one very close to the Arndale Shopping Centre.
Photo #8
Finally, this is the main entrance to the University of Luton. And I must admit that it looks quite good on a photo!
Photo #9
As you can see, this places bears a name Park Square. And it truly is the University of Luton entrance.
Photo #10
When you enter the uni, you have to show your student ID. That's one thing that drives me crazy. They don't even have chip cards as we have at our Masaryk University in Brno, so they need many people just to check people's identity... And thus everything takes much longer.
Photo #11
Now I'm looking back at the Saint Mary's Church. I was standing there few minutes ago taking a picture of the car park.
Photo #12

Photo #13
And this is how it looks like when students come. Not very busy but still...
Photo #14
Now we're looking at the information desk. There are also some places where you can rest for a while enjoying a drink or a snack.
Photo #15
OK, let's shift us to the most important and the most interesting part of the university...
Photo #16
... and it is the Learning Resources Centre which consist of a huge library and so-called IT suite. We will examine the door on the right later. They lead to CIS (Computing and Information Systems) labs.
Photo #17
In order to get into the LRC, you have to show your student ID card again and walk trough some kind of customs. Really annoying again, don't you think?
Photo #18
Let's examine the IT suite first. This is the main enquiry desk, you can also get colour printing here.
Photo #19
At last the famous IT suite. Not interested? Yeah, you're right, it's only a hall with plenty of PCs.
Photo #20
This picture might be better, it shows how big the hall is. Approximately.
Photo #21
Second part of the IT suite -- the bookable area. If you want to be sure you'll get a PC on a certain date, you can book it in advance. For free... :-)
Photo #22
Fed up with the IT suite? OK, let's use the stairs to get on the first floor, where a part of the library is.
Photo #23
We've just entered the library, in front of us, there's a main lending desk. Let's go deeper to the "silent area"...
Photo #24
Another place where you can get on a computer. There are alson PCs with library catalogue and one computer with a scanner attached to it.
Photo #25
This is the the nicest part of the library, known as a "silent area". It's filled with books and a few PCs for team work.
Photo #26
If you look down, you'll see some study desks and unexpected tree in the middle.
Photo #27
Just a glance back before we go upstairs to see the next part of the library.
Photo #28
Unfortunately, we have to use stairs again. ;-) We visit only the last floor, where the books for IT students are.
Photo #29
Yup, and that's it. Another room filled with books and stuff like that. Just to get the idea how big it is...
Photo #30
Well, as we are on the last floor, we have to go many steps down...
Photo #31
... but before we go, we look out of the window. It's not a very amazing view, is it?
Photo #32
OK, back to the CIS labs. This is the main corridor, there are I think 5 different labs, each with about 30 PCs.
Photo #33
This is the first lab on the right. I'm afraid there is some practical going on right now, so we'd better go...
Photo #34
Another lab that looks almost the same as the previous one. Can you find ten differences??? ;-)
Photo #35
The second lab on the right with same computers but different people and another practical. I won't bother with labs any more, follow me...
Photo #36
When I was about to leave the uni, I found this. Ken Revett was introducing some kids to robotics...
Photo #37
Now we're outside again and I want you to see the Student Centre. It is a place where you can find the JobShop, Accommodation Services and so forth.
Photo #38
Another side of the building, it's basicly the entrance. Just to remind you, the Student Centre is next to the College House.
Photo #39
And this is the end of our journey today, we're standing again in between the College House and the Business School...
Photo #40