Trip to High Wycombe via Hemel Hempstead

On Friday 15th April I decided to visit my new friend Erika I met on a plane back to Luton. She works as an au pair in High Wycombe, a small town on the way from London to Oxford. I booked a return ticket on the same day, it cost me about 12 pounds. On Sunday at around 11:30 in the morning I set out on my trip...

My bus to Hemel Hempstead was leaving at 11:45 from the Luton bus station. I came there 10 minutes in advance to make sure I didn't miss the bus. When it was 11:50, I started to be a bit nervous because my second bus from Hemel Hempstead was leaving quite soon after my arrival to that town. At noon I became really angry still waiting for the bus to come. :-/ Actually, buses were coming but none of them was mine. At about quarter past twelve another bus heading to Hemel Hempstead came. I was really surprised that the driver took me on the bus without any troubles although my e-ticket wasn't valid.

Well, as you might guess, I got to Hemel Hempstead but I missed my bus to High Wycombe. We arrived at about one o'clock in the afternoon and the next bus to Erika's place was leaving at 15:15. :-) Thus I grabbed my camera decided to explore the town, take some pictures and have a snack. Fortunately, the time was passing pretty quickly and I eventually got on the bus to High Wycombe. I took me more than five hours in total to get there! But it was worth undergoing, we had a nice afternoon...

Though the journey home was boring and tedious, it didn't take soo long as the first journey on that day. I got home at half past nine, had a small dinner and went to bed. Considering all pros and cons, it was a nice trip! Certainly better than sitting in Luton...

Oh yeah, birds... :-) I really like them but don't know why. This one was sitting one meter from me when I was having a snack.
Photo #1
No, another image of a duck... But it is lovely, isn't it? I would eat that immediately if I could... ;-)
Photo #2
This some kind of pond or river (or what) right next to the bus station. Well, it was a really small bus station...
Photo #3
One funny tree by the river.
Photo #4
OK then, it's not a pond, it's really a river as you can see...
Photo #5
Ah, one my macro images. I couldn't resist, I had to take this one. It's soo beautiful!
Photo #6
Getting closer to the old city centre with typical British houses...
Photo #7
Yep, we're here... This is the Old Town Hall as you'll see on the next picture. It doesn't look bad, what do you think?
Photo #8
No you can see it, it really is a town hall. This seems to be the main entrance.
Photo #9
And behind the town hall, there is a church. Nothing special but the photo's here for you...
Photo #10
This was really nice tree, I would call it snowing tree. And you can guess why... ;-)
Photo #11
Look, a special bench! Dedicated to the community of Hemel Hempstead. Hmmm...
Photo #12
That's a side entrance to the church you see a minute ago.
Photo #13
And this is the back, well, maybe the front entrance to the church... :-)
Photo #14
Now i'm standing in a small garden in a big park. This garden was devoted to children as stated on the tablet.
Photo #15
It's really a small garden as you can see. I'm standing at one end of it.
Photo #16
A closer look at another bench... It seems I also like benches! ;-)
Photo #17
Wow, such a big stump in the middle of big green lawn! Let's have a look closer and inside...
Photo #18
Oh gosh, that's disgusting, I shouldn't have done that! I don't understand why people do this.
Photo #19
Yes, this is the Kids' garden I was talking about a moment ago... Really small, isn't it?
Photo #20
Now I'm on my way back to the town hall and to the bus station, I'm running out of time...
Photo #21
Hmmm, authentic Indian cuisine... Sounds good! And it even looks good.
Photo #22
Flowers, flowers, flowers... I love them, really! ;-) They're so nice and colourful...
Photo #23
Some more flowers, but this images was already taken in High Wycombe.
Photo #24
And this is the most interesting building I've seen today! Do you like it as well?
Photo #25
Hehe... And guess what is this? Not a clue?
Photo #26
And what if we look from a distance? Still don't get it? :-) BTW, that girl in the right bottom corner is Erika.
Photo #27
OK then, let's get closer and read about it. And as you can see, it used to be a hospital...
Photo #28
Last glance at the "hospital" from a different view point before we go on.
Photo #29
Flowers and flower beds almost everywhere you look, that's amazing! Why do they remind of a pizza??? Maybe I'm just hungry... ;-)
Photo #30
So what is it now? A pond or a river? It looks like a river...
Photo #31
It must be a river because of this water mill here. It's obviously abandoned, what a pitty!
Photo #32
Ah, here they are... Birds again. :-) There's actually just one swan in the picture but there were many of them...
Photo #33
Cool, this pose looks much better, thanks! :-D
Photo #34
Oops, what's this? A policeman on a bicycle? What an unusual thing! Well, it might be usual here, who knows...
Photo #35
Another building that din't look so British -- I mean read bricks.
Photo #36
I've already told you that I like flowers! Here's another picture of them...
Photo #37
Hopefully, this is the last flower bed, hope you can still stand it. :-)
Photo #38
That's Erika with "her" limousine. She made me take this picture, she wanted to have a picture of her with a limousine.
Photo #39
But obviously "her" driver is having a nap. :-D That was really funny, we couldn't stop laughing...
Photo #40
Some another church in the distance...
Photo #41
A very impressive tree right next to the church. Does it remind you of anything? It seems like a sculpture to me.
Photo #42
And that's me with that tree. Erika was so kind and took a picture of me.
Photo #43
Some other house that looked quite nice. But this one seems to be typically British...
Photo #44
Probably a rail bridge over the road we were walking in.
Photo #45
Again another building with no significance to me... :-)
Photo #46
And once again a church or some kind of monastery. This should be the last one I hope...
Photo #47
This was the last house in High Wycombe I liked. It looked much better in the real life, believe me.
Photo #48
That's me again next to a memorial: "Sacred to the memory of the members of the armed services from High Wycombe and mid Thames area who lost their lives whilst serving with the British Expeditionary Force in France and Belgium during the World War II..."
Photo #49